
Eva theme is shipped with slider and collection plugins, that have shortcodes for you to use.

Every slider created by you would have it’s own shortcode assigned, which can be used anywhere you want! For each slider you can decide how many images there will be seen per scroll,  choose slider decorations, arrow design, animation speed,  autoplay and more.


[digiplum-slider id=”150″ title=”Picked Posts – Classic View”]


Other template option:


[digiplum-slider id=”171″ title=”Picked Posts – Modern View”]


Same story with the collections. You can create any hand picked collection of posts, pages or images, change their order,  template and number of items per row. And then use the shortcode anywhere inside the content area or template:


[digiplum-collection id=”176″ title=”Homepage Navigation Collection – 2×2″]


Other template option:


[digiplum-collection id=”249″ title=”Navigation Collection – 2×1, Title below the image”]


P.S.: you can also disable Eva straight line decoration for all the templates if you want to go classic.